Thursday, March 5, 2009

1984 page 218-239

Quote: "It was the place with no darkness: he saw now why O'Brien had seemed to recognize the allusion"(229).

Significance: This quote is very significant because O'Brien had said this to Winston in the beginning of the book. It is like O'Brien knew the whole time what was going to happen and that they would meet again in that cell. At the end of this chapter O'Brien also says to Winston you knew they always had me. O'Brien is trying to tell Winston that, the quote a place with no darkness, was foreshadowing. Winston now knew why O'Brien had said a place with no darkness because inside the cell you could not tell whether it was night or day outside because it was always light inside the place.

Definitions: Perturbed(232)-verb-To disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious. To throw into great confusion.
Timorously(234)-adjective-full of fear; fearful: The noise made them timorous. subject to fear; timid

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