Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Othello Act 3 Scene 1, 2,3

Quote: "Thou dost conspire against thy friend, Iago,
If thou but think'st him wronged and mak'st his ear
A stranger to thy thoughts."(3.3.147-149)

Significance: Iago has never been a good friend and everyone is seeing him as this trustworthy and honest man when he certainly is neither. Everyone is falling for his sneaky plan and it's pissing me off, I do not like Iago. He is creating this sneaky plan that is going to ruin every one's life at this point and they do not even know it. I think that Othello is going to kill Desdemona in the future for doing nothing because Iago is a LIAR. Then everyone will realize that Iago was not a trustworthy or honest friend.

Definitions: Wench(3.3.312)-noun-a country lass or working girl
Vengeance(3.3.444)-noun- infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge

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